财新传媒 财新传媒

Mankind From Natural Evolution to Scientific Evolution
(English translation follows)
现代科技一步也离不开大数据及计算机,它们是人类发明和智慧发展所自然形成的最高结晶,因此也是生命智慧的自然演化过程和最高形式。从生命的诞生到高度智慧的人,虽然在宇宙中只是一瞬间,但在生命演化的历程中却经过了40 亿年的艰辛努力。这演化已发展到摆脱纯粹自然进化过程发展到科技进化阶段。在母体经常生活需要的诱发下,在下一代基因中所偶然产生的正确变异发展到科学技术有意识的找寻正确的变革,尽管今后的道路仍旧是艰苦的。但基因突变不仅等候的时间相对漫长,还要正确的突变,不正确的突变就是病变,不仅无效还可能诱发致命的病变。人类不能这样依靠自然偶发的突变带来的进化。智慧使人类从自己的生活生产到身体结构改善的需要中发展数据化电脑化的进化。人们根据需要而做出的科学研发即变革,不仅改善着人们使用的工具,而且改造着人体本身。这必大大地加快了进化的历程。数据电脑不仅是人类的科技的进步,而且必然参加到人的自然演化过程中,因此必形成人类进化的一部分。人类智慧可以干预和参与人类即生命自然演化的过程。
地球上的人类是宇宙中目前为止生命是最高级的演化结果,数据电脑又是人类智慧的最高结晶。因此我们有理由把迄今为止人类的大数据和电脑的发明看做是宇宙自然界中的最高演进。人类今后的进化也必然和数据电脑相结合。就是说我们应利用自然进化为我们提供的基本模样,五官和手脚,但我们必然向数据电脑化的方向演进和发展。今后人类在宇宙中可能会发现比人类更智慧更先进的文明, 但外星人基本不会对我们有任何敌意,因为他们根本不需要我们的低级能源和财富,既然他们能从遥远的星球来我们这里,就说明他们的科学水平比我们高的多,社会结构也会合理的多,没有物种之间的基本矛盾,因为他们从宇宙中可获得无尽的高等能源和财富,我们不能用我们落后的个人财富的私人占有的心理,去衡量一个高度发达社会的心理。只不过开始接触时,他们会采取谨慎的态度,怕我们伤害他们。宇宙文明等级的划分也在于生命的智慧,而不在于使用什么样的宇宙能源。但其科学的最高表现也大致不会脱离电脑和数据化的范围。英国的巨石阵和南美复活节島上的巨人石像不会是外星来人所制造,因为外星人如能从遥远的星球来到我们地球所具有的科技水平,不会造出这样粗糙的东西,长年的风化也会有高科技产品的残留。
因此要研究这些记忆,思想,情绪等是怎样保存的? 怎样可以准确复制。 可以想象这些必是大脑中以一定的物质形态比如通过氨基酸,核糖核酸和蛋白质等存在的差别所形成。
这记忆卡安装在特殊强大材料制造的身体支持设备上,他的头脑的一切功能和记忆仍旧全面保留,就是一个活生生的人。身体支持设备可以变得非常强大,足以抵御任何更恶劣的环境。不需要特殊服装的保护,能抵御宇宙细微尘埃的撞击就行,人类真正实现美丽梦想: "可上九天揽月,可下五洋捉鳖"。但它不必每人一套,可以根据个人喜好而选择肤色,衣服等。但一些基本特征要根据原有的特征而定,比如性别,身高,体重。从自然人到电脑人有一个过度,人像睡了一觉,在人工操作下,完成了从自然人转变成电脑人的转变。这才使人真正脱离了肉体的动物界。
在人类永生以后,身体皆是特制的灵活强大的材料所构成,所以老年的概念发生颠覆性的变化,再没有动物界肉体的劳累疾病变得衰老死亡的概念。那时睡眠可能不是一个夜晚白天这样频繁的交替,可能工作生活的时间以星期以月计,然后又以同样的时间来休息。人体可以抵御更强的重力,更强的辐射,更强的病毒和化学毒气的攻击,适应更稀薄的空气,氧气和各种气体,更大温差范围,更少的营养物,彻底改变人的脆弱性。因此可以适应更多的太阳系的行星,做更长时间的旅行。我们不要想的太远 ,到几光年或几百光年以外的星球去,因距离太远,除少数探索者经过人的改造而前往外,大多数人并没有这种迫切的需要。我们第一步要努力改造太阳的八颗卫星。哪些可以改造成为适合电脑人居住的星球,哪些不适合。要考虑到太阳膨胀又坍缩造成温度的变化。电脑人也有死亡。就是虽然电脑人对重力,高温和辐射等有更为广阔的适应范围,但也不是无限的,超出了适应范围,就是彻底毁灭。自然人一般的活动不超出地球,但可以用人造太阳等措施,适当提升自然人的生存条件;电脑人为了满足欣赏美的感觉,可以把别的行星改造成蓝天白云绿树的环境。加宽适居带的范围,要做我们更为急迫的事情。
核磁共振对大脑的扫描为大脑的全面复制提供了的宝贵经验和所需设备,不过不仅要扫描大脑原子氢的共振以发现机体的变化,而且扫描大脑记忆体-肽链不同的存在方式,扫描大脑的一切记忆,包括记忆一切事物及发展,也包括情绪,思想,五官的感觉,七情六欲等的记忆,学习与推理的能力,这学习能力就是自我成长和完善的能力。像阿尔法等智慧的能下围棋的机器人 (Alpha Go)。不过阿尔法机器人不再由设计和制造出来的智能控制,而由复制的人大脑来控制,从而形成电脑人。这样电脑人在宇宙或地球可能恶劣的环境中,即保留了人类的智慧,又摆脱了动物的肉身。在宇宙中来回穿行的人不再是躲在笨重的宇宙服后面的形象,而是穿着普通轻巧的服装来回穿行的人。只要有电池带在身上,就可以活动。没电不能行动,但充了电又恢复正常,并可以远距离充电。也像许多高级游戏能主动发出各种行动指令,灵活轻巧地指挥身体各部位。这些指令大部分是受到外界细微变化的刺激而机体产生的反映。也有机体的主动的行为。不过一般不要制造一个新的电脑人,除非有特出的需要,就限制根据这特出需要制造机器人,而是要复制一个个活生生的人。主要是新的电脑人没有经过长期的道德教育,而这是必需的。一般来说,与其要给新的电脑人这样长期的学习和培养,不如选择现成的,有病情和工作需要的自然人。人在年青时选好适当的生命时机,主要考虑的是知识,道德教育和大脑最健康且最有活力时,复制好大脑,等到寿命自然或因病即将结束时启用。我们认为无论是试验或完善后使用这技术大多数人都不会拒绝。
《流浪地球》中讲述驾驶地球到处走,保存了地球文明,具有一定的想象力。但有没有想象过要想驾驶地球,就需在地球的一个固定面安装巨大的喷射器,地球必须停止转动才可行。这样带来的问题,一是当地球停止转动时,对地球上的万物有何影响? 二是地球的轴心必定就不会稳定。至于解决地球冰天雪地的环境比较简单,可以发射围绕地球转的人造太阳,解决寒冷问题。但人的保存,还是用睡眠方法保存整个人的肉体,是旧的思维,是不行的,保存年代比较有限,还是不能彻底解决肉身脆弱的问题。
Mankind From Natural Evolution to Scientific Evolution
(Nov version)
Modern science and technology cannot be separated from data and computers, which are the greatest crystallization of human invention and intelligent development, and therefore are the natural evolution of life wisdom and the highest forms. From the birth of life to the highly intelligent mankind. Although only a moment in the universe, life has gone through 4 billion years of hard efforts in the course of the evolution. This evolution has gone through from purely natural evolution to the stage of scientific and technological evolution. Induced by the constant needs in the mother's life, the occasional but correct mutation in the gene of the next generation has evolved into intentionally changes of science and technology despite the road that ahead is still arduous. But not only the genetic mutations is waiting long time, but also the mutation must be correct one. The incorrect mutation is lesions, not only ineffective but also may induce fatal lesions. Humans cannot such rely on the occasional natural genetic mutation which bringing about evolution. And human’s wisdom enables mankind to develop computerized evolution from their production, lives till body structures. Human makes scientific changes according to the needs that not only improves the tools people use, but also transforms the human body itself. This will certainly accelerate the great evolution in course. Data and computers are not only the progress of human science and technology but must also participate the natural evolution of human beings, so they must form a part of human evolution. Human intelligence can intervene and participate in the process of the natural evolution of human beings i.e. lives.
Humans on Earth are by far the most advanced evolution of life in the universe, and data and computers are the highest crystallization of human intelligence. So we think the main performances of their sciences that these possibly more advanced civilization has is also largely within the scope of computers and data. Even though in future, man may find more advanced civilizations in the universe than humans, we have reason to think human’s inventions of data and computers are the highest evolution in the natural world of the universe. The future evolution of mankind is bound to be combined with data and computers. That is to say, we should use the basic appearance, the five sense organs, hands and feet that natural evolution has provided us with, but we must evolve and develop in the direction of data and computerization. But aliens basically do not have any hostility to us, because they basically do not need our low-level energy and wealth, since they can come to us from distant planets, it means that their scientific level is much higher than ours, the social structure will be much more reasonable, there is no basic contradiction between species, because they can obtain endless high energy and wealth from the universe. We can not use the psychology of private ownership of our wealth to measure the psychology of a highly developed society. It's just that when they start to make contact, they would take a cautious approach for fear that we'll hurt them. And the classes of civilizations in the universe should be divided by the wisdom of life, not by what kind of cosmic energy is used. The stonehenge in Britain and the giant stone statues on Easter Sunday in South America will not be made by extraterrestrials, because aliens who have such science that is used and made them come to our Earth from distant planets would not produce such rough things, and years of weathering will have the residue of high-tech products.
Human with fragile body and short life span has been living under the strict conditions and is almost impossible to do anything in face of the vast and harsh universe except observation. But to represent the highest evolution of life, man has the wisdom and drive to get rid of the animal world completely. And what’s more, man cannot live forever in the earth swaddling clothes. Humans must be reformed. We are not experts in this science, but that does not prevent us from using the fruits of human science and technology to think rationally about it, because it is in the vital interest of each of us. It's like we're not music writers and painters, but that doesn't mean we can't appreciate and comment on music and art.
The basic consideration of eternal life
The human's brains contain people's all necessary subjective elements such as memories, thoughts, feelings of the five organs, the seven emotions and six desires, IQ and EQ so on. There is a brain, there is such person. Other parts of the body are essential to support the functioning of the brain. The human’s fleshy body cannot exist forever and is quite fragile and tolerates a very narrow range of gravity, light, radiation, virus, chemical gases, temperature difference, etc. But human brains can be turned into the memories in computer memory cards and operate and stored as whole forever. Highly developed intelligent robots have opened up such the possibility and imagination of this transformation, so humans may remain to survive for forever, because they can be permanently preserved. And with supported body which is made up with special materials, men can greatly increase this range to tolerate these harsh environments. These original fragile carrier of the memories, feelings and thoughts, etc. will no longer be used, instead, through memory cards, will be replaced with the new and perfect carrier, a much stronger body that can resist much more harsher environments of the universe and the Earth. We believe that as long as all the original characteristics and functions of brain such as the memories have retained that means this person is retained, a long-term retained. From natural person to computer person, there is a transit period. Like a man has a sleep, then the transition from natural person to computer person is completed with help from specialists.
If human beings rely on natural evolution then no matter how long to evolve men will not get rid of the human fleshy body, will not get rid of the animal world, and cannot survive from the environments of high temperatures, high radiations, oxygen-free and so on the harsh conditions, meteor impacts on the Earth at any time, sooner or later men will face these fatal or even devastating blow. The protections from devices alone are very limited, and human life span is extremely limited. If human beings want to survive in these harsher environment and avoid perish, people must rely on the development of science and technology to reshape ourselves, which is the scientific evolution. Almost every invention we have made in the past has copied and enhanced a functions of our bodies, most of which have been either replicated or changed to that we can accept by our present sense organs, with little direct reformation of our body to enhance its functions to make it accept harsh conditions and simply get rid of the vulnerabilities and limitations of our bodies. Brain-computer interface (BCI) are being to take a lot of efforts to develop, but still partially improving the brain and bodies, failed to fundamentally solve the problem, did not improve them from the nature. But the data-replicating brain is intended to revolutionized our brain and bodies to accelerate this evolution.
So we need studies about how are these memories, thoughts, emotions, etc. preserved? How to copy accurately. It is conceivable that these must be certain differences in the forms and existences in the brain structure, such as through amino acids, RNA and proteins. By doing so, we can completely reform the whole mankind.
To realized this reformation of humans is not like a dream, meaning entirely unlikely, and we think we are not that far away from it. Let's not just stop at the self-made creatures from the universe or keep it at scientific fiction. Humans themselves will realize this dream. The difficult points in completing the transition from a natural person to a computer person (perhaps there will be a better name in the future, here we use computer man to distinguish the ordinary robots) which must require to replicate precisely and build automatic and flexible action and reaction systems. But MRI provides valuable scanning experiences and equipment regarding to brains
Human "can go up to the ninth heaven to pick up the moon, can go down to the five oceans to catch turtles"
This memory card is installed on a body as support device, everything in the brain remains completely preserved, and this surely means this person is living. Body support devices can become very strong, which is enough to withstand harsher environments. Not need the protection of special clothing, human beings can truly realize the beautiful dream: Mankind "can go up to the Ninth Heaven (outer space) to pick up the moon, can go down to the five oceans to catch turtles". But it doesn't have to be made one set for each person. And you can choose skin colors, clothes, etc. according to your personal preferences. But some basic characteristics depend on the original characteristics, such as face (except for special requirements), gender, height, weight. Only then we can say human beings are truly separated from the animals of the fleshy body.
After human becomes eternal, the bodies are made of specially designed flexible and powerful materials, so the concept of old age has completely changed, and no tiredness and diseases fleshy bodies of animals have and make animals inevitably become aged and die. At that time, sleep may not take place by day and night that is so frequently alternating each others. Man may work and live for weeks or months, and then rest for the same period of time. And when using memory tablets to make the brain, using artificial special materials to do the body, the computer men can resist stronger gravity, stronger radiation, attacks by stronger virus and chemical gases, thinner air and oxygen and all other kind of gases, a larger range of temperature differences, less foods and waters, complete change of human vulnerability. Therefore mankind can suit to more planets in the solar system. Human should not want longer trips and go to a planet a few light-years away because the distance is too long for the men. Except a few explorers undergoing transformed, most people do not have this urgent need. Our first step should focus on transformation of the sun's eight planets. We need consider which planet can be transformed into one suitable to lives for computer-men and which are not, considering the temperature change caused by the expansion and collapse of the sun. Computer people also have death. Although computer people have a broader range of adaptation to gravity, high temperature and radiation so on, but it is not infinite. Beyond the scope of adaptation, computer men are totally destructed. The general activities of natural persons generally limit themselves to the scope of the Earth, but can use artificial sun and other measures to appropriately enhance the natural person's survival conditions. In order to meet the feeling of appreciation of beauty, computer people can transform other planets with blue sky, white clouds and green trees. Do what we can in near future.
It may not be far from this dream
MRI scans the brain and provide valuable experiences and necessary equipment for the full replication of the brain, but medical works should not only scan to detect changes in the organs through the resonance of the brain's atomic hydrogen, but also to scan all the brain's memories such as peptide chains existing in different ways and colors, scanning the brain’s all memories, including all memories of past things and developments, including emotions, thoughts, feelings of the five organs, seven affections and six desires etc., including the abilities to learn and reasoning,. This ability to learn is self growth and perfect. Like the intelligent robots Alpha that can play Weiqi (Go). Alpha robots are no longer controlled by intelligent made by design and manufacture, but by the replicated human’s brains, thus forming computer humans. In this way, we can retain the human’s wisdom, and completely get rid of the animal's flesh bodies in the harsher environments of universe or the earth. The person walking back and forth in the universe is no longer the image of hiding behind heavy cosmic suits, but the persons in universe are in ordinary light clothing as long as there is a battery with the computer human. You can be active, but do not work without electricity, but once charged you will returns to normal and can be charged over long distances. They are also like many figures in advanced games which can actively issue different instructions of actions and reactions, which are flexible and light to commands all parts of the body. Most of the instructions are trigger by subtle changes from the outside world and are reflected by the body,some of them are the organ’s behaviors itself. But instead of making a new computer person (unless the special needs, but limiting to manufacture of robots according these special requirements), copy a persons who really live. Mainly because new robots do not have a long-term moral educations, which is absolutely necessary. Generally speaking, it is better to reform natural ready-made persons and those in needs due to ill conditions and works rather than give new computer people such opportunities of long-term learning and training. When people choose the right time of life at a younger time with the main considerations of knowledge and moral education and the brain’s health and most dynamic, make a copy the brain until the time when life is about to end owning to natural reasons or the diseases. We don't think most people will refuse to use this technology, either for experiment or perfection.
In order to preserve permanently all the results of this memory scan, we need organize these results as the real world in memory cards, These memories in memory cards and together with all the supporting equipment of the human bodies, form computer humans, transforming natural persons into computer humans who can survive and live forever in harsher universe environments.
The first problem the computer men meet is the reproduction. Because the natural reproduction period of Human is still natural persons, therefor naturally they have right to have children, which is in line with the objective needs of humanity and reproduction. Computer man's marriage and post-marital life, though without any legal constraints, is also not necessary, but as an entertainment, as long as two people are willing, they can carry out; Computer people generally can no longer have children as will. Eating and drinking is generally not necessary, however if computer men feel pleasant, they can do it.
The problems of "Wandering Earth" and hibernation
Like《Wandering the earth》, driving the Earth around, preserving the earth civilization, there is a certain imagination. But do you ever imagine that to drive the Earth, you should install a giant jets on one fixed side of the Earth, and the Earth would have to stop turning to make it possible. The question that would brings is, first, how does everything on the Earth is affected when the Earth stops turning? Second, the earth's axis must not be stable. As for solving the problem of ice and snow environment in the Earth, it is relatively simple. Men can launch artificial suns around the Earth. But the preservation of people by using of sleep methods to preserve the whole human fleshy body, this is the old thinking, is not too possible, the preservation age is limited, and what's more that can not strengthen the man’s fragile bodies at all.
The method of sleep, which does not yet get out of the way the animal world uses, therefore cannot preserve the human body for long, because sleep, just reduced, cannot completely stop cell activity. We didn't find that hibernation of black bears helped them extend their lifespan in any way. Black bears mainly representative highest life evolution using hibernation to avoid relatively difficult environments, and it cannot prolong their lifespans, indicating that our research and use of hibernating methods in order to achieve eternal life is in fundamentally wrong direction, and cannot improve the human body's vulnerability in any way.
The basic ethic the society ought to have
We think this approach is premature, because human society has not yet reached its ideal society and may be used to negative rather than positive. But the Earth can have an unexpected disaster at any time, a sweeping disaster, so mankind needs to prepare early.
In a real society, any constructive opinion can be used to serve humanity, or it can be used as an anti-human weapons. Human ethics is very important in a highly civilized society, but this ethic has only one basic requirement. That is: as the Declaration of Independence of the United States says: "We believe that these truths speak for themselves: all men are created equal, and the Creator gives them a number of inalienable rights, including the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." That is equal right to life, equal right to freedom, equal right to happiness. But this equality does not only refer to the equality of political powers and job opportunities among people, but also the equal powers in the distribution of wealth. The ultimate equal power in wealth distribution can finally bring about the true equality of political power. In highly developed societies, where production conditions have improved considerably, there is neither need for any private owners that give stimulus and encouragement to develop the economy, nor any act of laziness. Facing poor people, you own large wealth, you should feel ashamed, it’s broken the basic ethics that all of people should be completely equal. What’s more, the whole human society needs to build the consciousness of complete equality among the people.
At that time, individual management and production was only the freedom to be fun, but by no means as a need for society to develop economy, because it is the responsibility of the whole society, but an additional burden on the individuals; Some people themselves are still willing to take the lead in production, which should be allowed, but work only for the whole society, and no longer become a need for personal life, or means to make more money than others, i.e. to work for the profits of individuals. Because that will create inequality among people, and more, how individuals work, is not as powerful as the whole society. The idea of achieving complete equality in the political and economic sides must rise to people's consciousness and basic morality, so as to eliminate the conflict between people at all, and so there will be no desire to solve the conflicts between people by making the new computer men. Here, the governments have to make laws that are restricted and managed these things. This demand for complete equality is the only most important concrete embody and requirement for any ideal and noble society of mankind.
The freedoms referred in the Declaration should include the freedom of individual or private productions, as well as the freedom of people to form voluntary alliances,using team works, to unite to develop production in the name of the State. The same is true of the union that Marx and Engels mentioned in <the Communist Manifesto> about 100 years later. Combining the meanings of the Declarations and Manifesto, the social positive meaning of private ownership will disappear and be substituted for a free man's union. Only this can be called as full and true freedom. The crackdown on any system of business reflects the arbitrariness and the motivation to restrict freedom of crack downers. Because it is incompatible with the spirit of the freedom mentioned in the Declaration of Independence and the Manifesto. Everyone wants to get rich, but some people find that for the majority to success and to avoid failures, it is necessary to unite and coordinate to produce. Just like the human body, if each cell does its own jobs, this person can't even live, all cells unite and coordinate their jobs, this person can live and be strong. So to follow the road of union is the inevitable way to make the country strong. The interests of other countries must not be harmed for the sake of their own greatness otherwise it’s the robber logic. Because in dealing with the resistances of the count parties, inevitably wear out their own strength. Of course, freedom by no means refer to that one economic system try to crackdown the another. The both commonly develop the economies in the fair play, to compete and compare who win who lose, Except for moral consideration, only cowards are afraid of others’ strength. it’s the only way that should be. The governments should make laws that are restricted and managed these things.
The alliance of mankind and team works are by no means heresy or heterodoxy. As early as the primitive human society, primitive human beings in a considerable period of time relied on collective strength and team works to overcome the many much more powerful and stronger beasts. Private ownership has gradually fallen behind by its relative fragment of the scale of production therefore loss of production scale effectiveness and persisting in inequalities between people, and the development of society is now once again presenting this form of collective effort to develop the productions. This is the free expression of free people in a free society. It is understandable at beginning that collectivism is not believed, but it should not object against such a form of free choice and free development. Doing so is by no means a desire, action and an effort of freedom. Data will determine the natural evolution and development of mankind. These should be based on the principles of humanity, precision, science to set up a management plan.
Science should not be defined as so complex and as difficult to understand as some people said. science is the description and mastery of everything and its laws in accordance with their original appearance. This includes all objective things and also includes irregular activities and the ways of existence, includes theological, religious and subjective activities. There can be any imagination, but that's not proven science. We have to make a clear division between science and imagination.
In short, transformed people may extend people's lives indefinitely and so exist eternally, and also can greatly increase their tolerances for various physical quantities, greatly widen our habitable zone, and possibly select for living and transform certain solar planets. We believe that is our direction of the contemporary research for visible future. Man will certainly move from natural evolution to scientific evolution and realize eternal life in scientific evolution





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作者在美国获得硕士学位,曾在北京中国银行总行资金部工作15 年。在此期间,参与负责管理中国的全部外汇与黄金储备。之后,1989年加入北京中国农村信托投资公司。1992年,到香港加入美国投资银行所罗门美邦公司(SmithBarney)后,在香港美国花旗银行和英国苏格兰皇家银行顾资银行等家外国银行,负责投资理财工作。
