财新传媒 财新传媒

按:此文为2018年6月8日修改版本。(English translation follows)
禁止朝鲜发展核武器还有一个绕不开的问题,就是可逆不可逆的问题。我们看到在小布什取代克林顿当美国总统时,对朝鲜不侵犯的保证发生过重大逆转。这是美国4年一选举,政权不连贯的问题,后面的总统可以随意推翻其前任代表美国与他国签订的协议。这是和美国签订任何跨越选举年的长期协议所面临的风险。特朗普不计后果宣布“退出”多国签订的伊朗禁核协议,什么“推出”,就是不合我意,就撕毁协议。有这种不讲信誉的行为吗?还能和美国打交道签订任何协议吗? 美国商界也为之感到羞愧。 这要逼着伊朗走向发展核武的道路。反对伊朗发展导弹,理由也相当荒谬,说是导弹能运载原子弹。那人能够发展原子弹,连人也要消灭吗?说穿了,就是伊朗有了导弹,那在红海亚丁湾中的军舰,就不能那么为所欲为了。说威胁到美国而禁止发展导弹,难道美国有那么多导弹威胁到别的国家就行了吗?难道只准美国威胁别人,就不许别人威胁美国?如一国以导弹无故对他国进行威胁,这就是另外一回事。事实证明什么人经常对他国进行导弹威胁?美国人在国内外一些事情上常提出相当天真的一些理由,就说美国国内禁枪问题,说“枪不杀人,人才杀人”。那么发生在拉斯维加斯的一个人如何能枪杀50多人?如没有枪的帮助,一个人无论如何也打不过50多人,更不要说杀害50多人,是枪放大了杀人动机和结果。总统选举上,个人提名要靠个人捐赠,其理由也是无稽之谈,说捐赠表达了捐赠人的意愿。因为表达意愿,就允许吗?那么贿赂,也表达收买人的意愿,能合法吗?中国南海自由航行从未有过问题,但美国可以提出航海自由的理由,而派军舰搅局;利用“人权大于主权”的说法实质为侵犯他国开路,用自己定义的人权,即单讲政治上的人权,以自己的标准,管中窥豹,而不管他国经济上首先摆脱贫穷的人权,毫不尊重他人的权力,不一而足。总之,我们举这些事例,想说明和美国人打交道要格外小心。它可能提出天真荒谬的理由而撕毁协议或采取行动,这和美国霸道惯了和其文化底子有关。因此朝鲜如能禁核,并要把禁核做成不可逆转,我想得要美国同样把不侵犯朝鲜的保证做成不可逆转,即不受更换总统的影响才行,这需提醒朝鲜。
用中俄对朝鲜和平的共同保证,换取朝鲜不发展核武器,在这基础上,中俄也将反对联合国对朝鲜的一切封锁,当然朝鲜也不要对南韩对外主动挑衅,中国可以经济援助朝鲜使其专心搞建设。     朝鲜可以改善投资环境,最高领导机构做出相关的决议,以吸引和保证国际投资。中俄的这种意愿可单方面通过中俄国防部联合声明,公开表达出来。在国际问题上要坚持有理有利有节的策略才能迎来尊重,才能施展抱负,这成本最小。我们搞好中朝两国关系,事关我国周边的安宁,不容他国随意破坏。
"Double guarantee" is what North Korea seeks and China’s Function
(revised in June 6, 2018)
The problem of North Korea's development of nuclear weapons is a major international tension. In fact, it is clear that North Korea is developing nuclear weapons for its own security. The “double guarantee” is that the United States guarantees not to invade the DPRK, who guarantees not to develop nuclear weapon. This “double guarantee” should be regarded as the two sides of one problem of the key for no wars and no disorders happened. There is no peace if no the abandonment of nuclear weapons, same as no the abandonment no peace, and war will be inevitable. "Peace of terror" is a dangerous choice.
It is the fundamental spirit of the Charter of the United Nations that one country does not suffer any invasion. This is a legitimate spirit. But the United States has a large number of previous convictions trampling this spirits on some excuses. The smokes of wars in Iraq, Libya and the former Yugoslavia have not yet disappeared and the blamed has not been tried in justice they planned the duplication in North Korea. There is an atmosphere permeated among some people that the North Korean leader seems the devil which should be punished. It has exceeded the scope of non-nuclear proliferation. We have no intention to evaluate any leaders of countries. But trying to demonize a country leader, we see this is the case same as to demonize Saddam, Al-Gaddafi and Assad in Syria. The case is to make public opinion to prepare the invasion to a country. Gaddafi had agreed to give up the development of weapons of mass destruction and nuclear weapons, and compensated a huge amount for the Lockerbie air crash, but ended up of bad death, Libya has no the backside of a big country. The West wanted to turn against Gaddafi, then immediately did it. It is repugnant. This is the so-called "Libya model"? And did North Korea abandon its nuclear weapon and expect such an outcome? 
There is another issue of irreversibility in prohibiting the development of nuclear weapons by the DPRK. We saw that when George W. Bush replaced Clinton as president of the United States, there was a major reversal for the guarantee of non-aggression to North Korea. This is the problem of the 4-year elections in the United States. The regime is incoherent that the new president can arbitrarily overturn his predecessor's agreement signed on behalf of the United States. This is the risk of signing any long term agreement with the United States across the election year. Trump recklessly announced the withdrawal of the Iran nuclear ban agreement signed by many countries. What is so called withdrawal? It is nothing short of tearing it up. When facing this kind of credit standing, can we be able to deal with USA and sign any agreements with the United States? American businessmen should also be ashamed of it. This would force Iran to move towards along the road to develop the nuclear weapons. It is also absurd words to oppose Iran against the development of missiles. It is said that missiles can carry atomic bombs, we say man can develop atomic bombs and so even the man has to be killed? To put it clearer, if Iran has missiles, and the warships in the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea cannot do what they want to. When banning the even development of missiles it is only because of threatening the US security, the US has so many missiles that can threaten other countries. Is it true to only allow the United States to threaten other countries, and others are not allowed to threaten the United States? If a country often threatens the others by missiles, it will be another matter. As matter of fact, what country often threatens others by missiles? Americans often put forward some naive reasons for many affairs at home and abroad, for example of ban- gun problem in the United States, we can often hear that “guns do not kill people but only people kill people. How could one person kill more than 50 people in Las Vegas? Without the help of a gun, one could not defeat more than 50 people, not to mention killing more than 50 people. It is a gun that magnifies the criminal motive and killing. In presidential elections, one person’s nomination as president candidate depends on large amount of donations. The reason of it is also absurd, saying donation expresses the wishes of donors. Is it legal only because of expressing the will? So bribes also express the willingness to buy people, can it be legal? There has never been a problem in free navigation in the South China Sea, but the United States can make a reason saying for freedom of navigation, and send a warship to stir it up. Using "human rights outweigh sovereignty" is essentially another excuse to invade other countries. The super power uses his own standard of human rights, looks at political side of human rights only and observes it by his own standards, looks at a part as the whole thing, neglect the economical efforts of other countries that realize the human rights to get rid of the poverty as the first efforts, does not to respect the others’ rights at all. On the whole, we take only a few things herewith as example, which can illustrate that we must be very careful in dealing with US Government. It may tear up any agreement or take some actions by some naive and absurd reasons. These relate to the long-lasting American hegemony and its shallow cultural foundations. So if North Korea can get rid of nuclear weapon and make it irreversible, I think the United States has to make the guarantee of non-invasion to the DPRK as irreversible as well. That is to say it will not be affected owing to changes of presidents. This needs to remind the DPRK.
According to the history of the United States and from the two World Wars, the United States will not easily start or participate in any war when it is not absolutely sure of winning and avoiding its harm, but it is another thing to keep the tensions around the world, and it has such skills of it. It has made tension in Korea in East Asia and in Ukraine in Europe, provokes wars in the Middle East in all-round way, considering no any tactics. We can see it all as false only by the first glance. It aims at capitals of the world. But it must launch a few missiles to make the tricks as real.
The United States is located far away from the big continent of Asia, Europe and Africa. If the world is tense, money will escape from the center of tensions and flow to the United States, so called the safe haven. In fact, under this operation of the USA, the world's large amount of capitals has flown into the United States, and its main stock index DJI has risen from about 7,000 to 26,616 in the past ten years; And if the world is in building and constructions, such as The Belt and Road, the fact USA is far from the big continent would make it very unfavorable position. So the USA tends to adopt such a strategy of keeping the world in tension that is most favorable to it. But USA does not want immediate and real wars at all, so the world's money owners do not have to be too serious about the actions of the United States.
South Korea has made great efforts since the Pyeongchang Olympic Games; it has won Kim Jeong-eun's movement. Chinese saying: “If you invest with plum, you can expect peach (much good result) as income”. North Korea blew up the nuclear test site to show its determination as give up nuclear weapon. That's the way we see it. However, the United States does not see it in this way. He relies on his military strength and only shows its boorish face. Since North Korea has expressed their desire to abandon nuclear weapon for the peace and took real action, what should we do next? According to the sense of common people, the US and South Korea should postpone military exercises at this time, and should respond positively. If North Korea fails to follow up, it can resume military exercises, it’s not too late. Whatever North Korea is moved because the efforts South Korea did since the Pyeongchang Olympic Games or the result of Trump's extreme coercion, it is not important. The most important is the DPRK has expressed clear intention to abandon the nuclear in exchange of peace. If American really wants nuclear non-proliferation for the world, then its policy to North Korea should be flexible enough.
We think that neither South Korea nor China will want to see any chaos and wars in the peninsula. South Korea is the first one who faces the risk of war. So POK may really want peace and Both the north and South Koreas care very much about peace well. The goal of abandoning the nuclear weapon is for peace and for the economic development. But Moon Jae-In and South Korea should be clear about the present situation. As long as the hope for peace is genuine, South Korea needs to take active action to cooperate, rather than vice versa. The rigidity of some American can only be interpreted objectively as neither to pay attention to the peace of Korean Peninsula, nor does it care about non-nuclear proliferation. Perhaps some ones in the US government still want to overthrow the North Korean regime and maintain the tension in East Asia. A large number of facts have proved that no nation in the world is willing to lay down all effective weapons when facing the threat of death.
It is not necessary for the North Korea to sear oaths of the permanent abandonment of nuclear weapon only in front of USA. If the United States cannot seriously guarantee the permanent peace in the Korean Peninsula after the North Korea abandon the nuclear weapon, DPRK can guarantee the abandonment of the nuclear weapon in front of the United Nations participated by China and Russia, and exchange for the guarantee for the permanent peace in the peninsula from the UN and so does in front of China and Russia. Two countries can jointly call a meeting of the Security Council of the UN, and make efforts to correct the mistakes made by the UN to support South Korea against the North Korea 65 years ago and again send the peacekeeping forces in absolutely neutral position to maintain peace on the 38 line and prevent against any chaos and wars between the north and the south. Under the supervision of the UN, nuclear weapon of North Korea can be permanently sealed in China or Russia.
The signatories to the Agreement ending Korean war are the DPRK, the Chinese People's Volunteers Army (CPVA) and the United Nations. The repeal of the CPVA can be resumed at any time, the resumption of CPVA headquarters only is enough. But the opposite side of the Agreement is the UN instead of USA. Although the USA is the main belligerent country, it alone cannot replace the UN. The UN must at least convene a security council meeting participated by China and adopt a resolution, and the three parties concerned shall jointly sign an agreement to end the war. When discussing the Agreement in the Security Council meeting, it is necessary to express the guarantee of the permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula and the permanent abandonment of nuclear weapon of the North Korea as well. The DPRK needs China and Russia to participate in it, and so provide the Chinese and Russian guarantee and witness the peace. If the UN do not work, the DPRK should make clear about its determination of the abandonment of nuclear weapons to China and Russia in exchange for joint guarantee of China and Russian for the permanent peace in the Peninsula. This point must be made clear now, making the US realize that after North Korea abandon nuclear weapon, they will have China and Russia who can defend the Peninsula peace, so that the US must take the peace requirement of the DPRK seriously.
Under the cease-fire agreement, China has the responsibility to defend North Korea from any aggression. But because China has taken part in the Security Council, the situation has been changed. It needs make better use of the name of the UN, although this method is not so easy, it is worth efforts about it. South Korea also needs to consider whether the US is handle the thing properly, considering the complete withdrawal of the US troops from South Korea and control the fate of South Korea in its own hands. I think this is the common aspiration of South and North Korea, China, Russia and all the peace loving countries in the world. And if the US policy is so rigid, it will have to consider replacing the US, because of the rigid policy cannot realize the target to abandon nuclear weapon and maintain the peace.
North Korea's government was fought for by Chairman Mao to defeated the foreign invaders at that time, (although the US invated on behalf of the UN, it was the foreign forces who intervened in the internal affairs of the Korea and invaded Korea. The later time the UN announces the UN army enters into any country can only be doing task of peacekeeping and cannot help one side to fight the other. It is equal to deny the previous participation of the one side against the other), is the further defense of the new China, and kept the war happened outside China in the place where the war already started, at the expense of the lives of hundreds of thousands of Chinese soldiers. How can we ignore it? The Korean War stopped only on signature of a cease-fire agreement, and therefore it could not allow anyone sabotage the cease-fire agreement for any reason. Therefore, China still has the responsibility to protect North Korea's peace and security. This is another guarantee i.e. China's guarantee for North Korea's peace and security which is an unshakable. No need to wait for the US guarantee, let alone expectation of the USA to make its guarantee irreversible. We must aware of this point and be prepared to take the above responsibilities alone.
On the basis of joint guarantee for Korean peace between China and Russia, they also oppose the United Nations’ blockade of the DPRK, who should also not initiate any wars to other foreign countries and South Korea. China can assist to North Korea and let him focus on economic development. The DPRK can improve the investment environment for foreign direct investments, and its top leading bodies should make relevant resolutions to attract and guarantee the international investments. This intention of China and Russia can be publicly expressed unilaterally or jointly in a statement of the Ministry of Defense of China and Russia. On any international issues, we must adhere to the strategy of "rational, beneficial and abstemious" so that can win the respects and we can fulfill our great tasks, which is the least cost as well. We keep good relation between China and DPRK, so to keep our peaceful environment around and not allow any country to destroy it at any time.
If President Trump actively cooperates, he could try to win the Nobel peace prize at his will. Of course, Trump has another consideration, under his strategy, the DPRK case can set a “good example” to Iran, let world see how the US will bring peace and prosperity to the DPRK after the DPRK abandons nuclear weapon and the missile. But unlike Iran, North Korea has no important value for the USA and Trump, who does not care about the ideological difference too much only want to get rid of threat of DPRK by its nuclear weapon and missiles. And the DPRK has a large backside of China and Russia, but Iran does not. Saudi Arabia and Israel are also worried that Iran's development and the growth up, so they will never play a role in reconciling the United States as POK does. If Trump does not cooperate, then its policy may ultimately lead to a nuclear war. If there are chaos and wars on the Korean Peninsula, then the problem of refugees would occur. At that time China won’t be able to focus on economic development and may deeply affect by the Korean chaos and wars. It is particularly bad for China, and then the cost of restoring peace will be great. Therefore, China cannot afford to ignore it, and China must take a more active part in it at the right time. If the UN does not work, then on the basis of the full withdrawal of American troops from POK, China and Russia or China alone will have to take the responsibility of maintaining the peace between North and South Korea. This is the choice that China has to discuss with Russia now and prepare to take.





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作者在美国获得硕士学位,曾在北京中国银行总行资金部工作15 年。在此期间,参与负责管理中国的全部外汇与黄金储备。之后,1989年加入北京中国农村信托投资公司。1992年,到香港加入美国投资银行所罗门美邦公司(SmithBarney)后,在香港美国花旗银行和英国苏格兰皇家银行顾资银行等家外国银行,负责投资理财工作。
