财新传媒 财新传媒

The Culture, Civilization, Struggle and Endings of Mankind
(English Translation Follows)
文化不等于文明。人类在漫长的历史中,由于隔断,不同种族部落形成了不同国家,不同文化,一直延续至今。要说明文化就要包括它的过去,现在和未来。文化是文明的基础,是人类思想的表达,它的主要意义在于满足人类物质和精神的不同需要和思想的继承。没有思想或没含有思想的东西不是文化。而文化有历史的积极和消极因素之分,文化的积极因素就是人类的文明。比如,自几十万年前由火的使用实现由猿人变成现代人的决定意义的第一次飞跃所体现的远古文明,能推动生产发展制度的实行,推广及颂扬,推动社会进步的上层建筑和对外关系及其意识,一项工程,科研技术,文艺表演,绘画雕刻建筑,军事艺术,积极的法律,劝人为善的宗教,进步的信仰及推广等等一起构成了人类的文明,美好的事物。这体现在秦始皇统一文字,钱币,度量衡和车同轨 ,中国春秋战国的哲学思想,汉唐文明,历代文学和进步的哲学,现在的改革开放和经济发展;欧洲古希腊文明,文艺复兴,各种文艺绘画雕刻建筑,工业革命,各种积极的政治学说,欧洲战后的经济发展;美国的独立,解放奴隶,现在美国的经济发展及适合国情的民主意识与架构等等。
所谓现代关键文明价值的差异,其实不是东西方文明价值的不同,而是责任不同和认识的问题。首先是是历史重点发展的顺序不同,其次是认识的缺陷不能代表文明的不同。"虚伪民主"一说从理论本质上是抹杀了民主的巨大进步意义,哪怕是部分的民主也好。我们必需承认这些思想在政治上有巨大的进步意义,是文明的巨大进步。但所谓"威权"一说又将先经济再政治所选择的发展顺序给否定,而要照一国模式千篇一律,这在理论上实践上是有害的。根本缺陷在于缺乏经济基础。经济需达到一定的富裕,政治民主自然会顺应历史的潮流而发展。但政治民主发展了而经济民主不发展,政治民主也发展不了。文明的现实是以民主推动历史前进为准,就是说二者必是平衡的,相辅相成的。 从推动历史前进讲只有经济上真正平等了才能真正做到人民的自由平等和人权。而经济平等不只是机会的平等而且是财富分配上的平等。至于民主现在的问题它不仅是钱,而且谈民主必须要谈集中,因为民主和集中是相辅相成的。
哈耶克判断市场经济是人类迄今所能发现的最有效率且较为理想的一种资源配置体制,迄今为止大体是对的。但历史在前进,其中电脑和5G技术的逐步采用,已和哈耶克的时代完全不同,正在颠覆性地大幅度提高他那时的生产力和生产条件。电脑和5G正以哈耶克时代不可想象的天文数字的规模快速运算。一国人口最多十几亿的数量级,或整个世界几十亿人口的数量级,对计算机无论是计算速度上还是储存都是轻而易举的事。 不过怎样把这天文数字规模的快速运算转化为更有效率的经济活动仍没有解决,中国只是开始大规模解决这问题。因这不光是计算和及时反应消费需求及其变化的问题,还有各国私有制割断经济的现实。因此,到现在为止,市场经济仍是最有效率的,而绝非计划经济。到现在为止采用或部分采用计划经济的中国,仍依靠市场对供需平衡做最后的调节,例如国企和民营经济的组成和它们各自对经济贡献的现实。那怕是计划生产的部分也最终依靠市场的最后调节。就证明市场经济的高效。但,我们可通过非凡大脑的想象和预计,计划经济将通过电脑和5G的运用,向我们展示人类可以比盲目的市场经济,更有效的利用资源,更及时反应市场的需求及其变化。人类最终可以更好地计划自己的事情,从而避免市场经济由于盲目性所带来的周期性经济危机。
在国与国的斗争中,这世界现在缺乏有效的强制性的法律,一些国家任意以强凌弱,这对外斗争比其国内斗争,更凸显在同类中是否能文明,是否尊重道德准则。人类经历的两次世界大战是近代史上,人类最黑暗的最不文明的时期。想当爱国英雄,精神可嘉,但要小心和纳粹的区别。希特勒和纳粹一开始就表现了狂热的爱国精神,但后来露出狰狞,发动侵略和屠杀。在第二次世界大战中,纳粹表现了极端的民族利己主义,不仅发动侵略,更凶残的是灭族的大屠杀。禁止核扩散是对的,但问题是提出超过防核不扩散的要求,更深层次要最大限度地追求军事利益,而毁掉六国达成的防核扩散的国际条约。因过分的要求而遭到拒绝后,就采用极端施压的手段,实则是不遗余力的侵害别的民族利益,以满足本国本民族所谓安全的利益。对別的民族极限施压,就是极端侵害别人的利益,是反人类文明的。因为所谓“极限施压”就是不分军事上还是民生上都采取打压政策,甚至连第三国说句公道话,也加以攻击,加以报复,这有点黑社会的做法,就差没有屠杀了。 爱国英雄与纳粹都是在有关本国利益的行动中所形成。爱国是保卫多数人认可的本国利益遭到严重侵害,而纳粹是以保护本国利益为名义,严重侵害他国,屠杀他民族。关键区别是有否侵害其他民族的利益。 如因在禁核运动中过分的要求而发动对别人的战争,就不是正义,就不是文明的,就是屠杀,那就和纳粹的行动差不多,那将是极其黑暗和极其反文明的。
The Culture, Civilization, Struggle and Endings of Mankind
--The Civilization and its endings of Mankind
Mankind has entered the stage of advanced civilization, looking back, we say, apart from historical misunderstandings, there is no fundamental conflict between the true civilizations of mankind. Conflicting is caused by the negative factors in human thoughts and cultures. Conflict is not basically the result of a beautiful civilization of mankind. In ancient times till nowadays, in China and abroad, the standards of good and bad of human civilization, the standards of appreciation of good things basically are same with only small differences. But it is the different interests that have been driving the mankind’s conflicts. In the past years, the invasions of one country against another and the territorial expansions were the main method by which some of ancient people seized economic benefits, although the objective effects varied. Bullying another relatively weak peoples, or the bullying of the ruling class against their own people, is the result of negative elements in the ideology and culture, and the subjective motives of these acts must not be called human civilization. Civilization should not be measured by some of its products, but by whether or not it pushes history forward. Such civilization does not only summarize the full history of mankind development for hundreds of thousands of years, but also includes ideology and morality into the category whether it is civilized or not (detailed in another article).
It appears that the conflicts between European Christianity, represented by the United States, and Islam represented by Iran and Iraq in recent decades, are a continuation of the thousand-year conflict between Christianity and Islam, and someone even said that this is the conflict between Christian civilization and Islamic civilization. The fights between the two religions are an objective reality, but it should not simply summarize as the conflict between the two civilizations, which confuses the backward motives of the initiators of the conflicts with their victimized outcomes. These motives are by no means civilized. These economic, political and religious conflicts should be summarized as the results of the private ownership by nature. Once without bound of the laws, the private ownership will inevitably show serious selfish, i.e. harm others to benefit one’s own, attempt to mercilessly swallow up the others. Samuel · Huntington predicted that the contradiction and struggle between Christianity and Islam will intensify. This is important to predict so, but the more important is to have the correct analysis of the nature.
Culture is not equal to civilization. In the long history of mankind, due to the separation, different tribes formed different countries, different cultures, they have continued to present days. Culture should include its past, present and future. Culture is the basis of civilization and the expression of human thought. Its main significance lies in satisfying the different needs of human material and spirit and the inheritance of thoughts. Things without thoughts or connotation of certain thoughts are not cultures. Culture is classified as historical positive and negative factors. The positive factors of culture are human civilizations. For example, the primitive civilization embodied in the first significant leap from ape man to modern man since the use of fire hundreds of thousands of years ago, the strives that push production forward, promoting and praise of this forward, the superstructures and foreign relations and their consciousness which can push forward social progresses and reduce the gap between the poor and rich, a piece of project, scientific researches and technologies, artistic performances, paintings, sculptures and architectures, military arts, good laws, religions that persuade people to be good, positive faiths and their promotions together have constituted the human civilizations i.e. beautiful things. These are reflected in The first emperor Qin standardized money, weights and measures, writing system and vehicles with unified gauge, the philosophies of China's Spring and Autumn Warring States, the Han and Tang civilizations, the philosophies, literatures of different dynasties and the present opening up and reforms and the economic development; The ancient Greek civilization, the Renaissance, various artistic paintings, sculptures and buildings, the industrial revolutions, various positive political theories, and the post-war economic development of Europe; The independence of the United States, the emancipation of the slaves, the current economic development of the United States and its democratic structures and consciousness suitable for the American conditions and so on.
Human civilizations will not bully the weak owing to their own stronger, cannot sit back and watch the existence of the rich and the poor and its widening although at first these voices have been very weak, but this really reflect the voice of civilization. The negative factors are the backward factors in history. Some of the positives factors in history may turn into negative as production conditions progress. Negative factors cause conflicts between different human races and between people in a country, which are the root reasons of conflicts. Therefore, except to temporary misunderstanding, there may be some conflicts between civilizations, but the main reasons that cause human conflicts are the negative factors. The positive elements of human cultures, namely civilizations are essentially the same and there have been no fundamental conflicts.
Only in this way to understand culture and civilization, we will not misuse the words of culture and civilization; arbitrarily say the conflict of civilization as if bullying and aggression against other country is the conflict and contradiction between good and beautiful things. Only in this way can we distinguish between the historically right and wrong thoughts of human and the historically positive and negative factors. By confusing positive and negative facts of cultures, we cannot distinguish between good and evil, ugliness and beauty of history and reality.
From the history of the world, mankind has two great struggles, that is, the struggle with the nature and the struggle among mankind. In these struggles, there are two great progresses and two major mistakes that men have made.
The first struggle is the one with the nature, which is the struggle to change men’s poorness and backwardness. In this process, the great progress men have made is greatly improving productive force and production conditions marked by the industrial revolutions. But in this struggle with nature, a big wrong thing that human made is that men should not go to the wrong point to demand excessively too much that have caused irreversible and fundamental damage to the climate and the environment. This will destroy the earth and the environment on which human being depends. This is very clear.
The second type of struggle is the one among people with ultimate goal to eliminate the gap between the rich and the poor completely. This goal is both the embodiment of any lofty targets, the unshakable and bounden moral responsibility of any civilization as well. Now the majority seeks equal rights of wealth distribution from the minority. This fight includes the development of the economy and striving for good treatments and welfares at the individual and state level from the rulers. Of course the majority will not oppress the minority as long as people do it legally. Therefore, the final outcome of the struggle among mankind must achieve equality for everyone. Therefore, the final key to equality is the complete equal rights of wealth distribution. That is to completely eliminate the gap between the rich and the poor.
The biggest and most fundamental problem that tears apart any society is the huge difference between the rich and poor. And the gaps between relative to absolute rich and poor have been always plaguing humanity. The gap is the ultimate source of all unreasonable phenomena. So to eliminate the gap is to eliminate all unreasonable phenomena. The gap basically lies in the difference in right of enjoyment of material wealth. This is something that private owners are most unwilling to mention, but it is the most critical one. “More pay for more works” is only correct in case of the tough production conditions comparatively. When scientific progress has reduced the intensity for most works to the point where all people is willing to work voluntarily, “more works” will be no longer needed and required, and “more pay” will naturally lose its reason to exist. At that time, on the basis of the abundant wealth produced, the equal rights for everyone to distribute the wealth can be truly realized. This equality will replace the gap between the rich and the poor.
In this struggle, what mankind has achieved is, above all, a sense of equality. But the equality has political equality and economic equality.
The biggest ideological difference among human beings is their understanding of private and public ownerships. Private ownership, in particular capitalism, has constituted humanity's past glory by concentrating its precious but not abundant resources. But this does not mean eternity, because private ownership is based on the inequity of the world, which is an insuperable threshold. Passed the threshold is no longer private ownership, because if equal distribution is made, why should private ownership be needed? As mankind, it is bound to overpass, because human in future must be equal completely. In 1948, UN adopted “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” which represented a great political advance that was required by mankind for equality. But its deficiency the UN had was UN did not see that there would not be the true political equality without the full economic equality. Full economic equality does not only mean equal right to work, of course it is the prerequisite. The decisive equality in the economy also means equality in the right of wealth distribution for everyone. This is the basis and ideal lacked in the declaration. And the necessary condition for economic complete equality is the destruction of private ownership and the establishment of public ownership. Since the natural tendency and foundation of private ownership is the inequality of the wealth distribution. Private owners need to continuously expand the gap between the rich and the poor to get more incentives rather than to narrow it down till elimination, that is, increase inequality. Only the public ownership can realize complete equality, can completely eliminate the gap between the rich and the poor, because only wealth is owned by collectives rather than individuals can be equally distributed to everyone.
In the world affairs, it should not be a question as who is in charge, as worried as the central issue in recent Munich Security Conference. It must vary with the speed of the respective economic developments of countries. Don't always look back, rather we need look forward. One always looks back will be more and more unconvinced, and even make some uncivilized behavior. Looking forward will keep you incentive ahead. What matters is who makes his people happier, more equal and faster to eliminate the gap between the rich and the poor without taking advantage of the weak countries. Of course, in a short period of time, the focus of their respective development is different, but within a reasonable period of time it should bring performances.
The so-called discrepancy in the values of key modern civilization is not actually different in the values of east and west views about civilization, but the one in different responsibilities and understanding problem. The first is that the sequence of historical priorities is different, and the second is that defects in understanding do not represent differences in civilization. “Hypocritical democracy” is, in theoretical nature, essentially write off the great progressive significance of democracy, even for partial democracy. We must admit that these ideas have great progressive significance politically. However, it is harmful in theory and practice that the so-called “authoritarianism” negates the development order chosen as first economy and second political issue, and requires to follow the pattern of one country, all in the same way. The fundamental flaw is the lack of economic foundation. The economy development needs to achieve certain level and prosperity, and political democracy will naturally follow the trend of history to develop. But when political democracy develops and economic democracy does not, political democracy cannot well develop. The reality of civilization is that democracy drives history forward, that is, the two must be balanced and complementary. From the view of push history forward, only there is true economic equality, can the freedom, equality and human right be truly achieved. And economic equality does not only mean the equal opportunity to work but also equal wealth distribution. The flaw of the democracy theory now is not only concerned with money, but democracy also relies in centralization, because democracy and centralization supplement each other.
Hayek was largely right so far in his judgment that the market economy was the most efficient and desirable resource allocation system ever discovered. But history moves ahead. Men gradually have adopted computers and 5G technologies. Times are quite different from Hayek's era, and have subversively and dramatically been lifting the productivity and its conditions of his time. Computers and 5G are doing astronomically quickly arithmetic operations on a scale unimaginable in Hayek's day. To calculate a number level as population of a billion in a country, or number level of several billions of population in the world, is as easy as pie for modern computers in both calculating and storage. But how to transform these astronomically fast computing operations into more efficient economic activity remains unsolved. And China is just beginning to address the problem on a large scale. This is not only a matter of calculating timely consumer demands and its changes, but also a matter of the private ownerships of every country that chop up economies. Therefore the market economy is so far the most efficient, absolutely not the planned economy. A portion of planned economy in China still has to rely on the market to balance demand and supply, For example, the reality of the ratio mixed the state-owned with private economies and their respective contributions to the economy. Even those planned parts of the production ultimately depend on the final adjustment of the market. That proves the efficiency of market economy. However, we can imagine and predict through our extraordinary brains, the planned economy will use the computers and 5G, to prove us that human beings can plan all resources more effectively than the blind market economy, more timely response to the needs of the market and its changes. Humans can eventually plan their own affairs better therefore to avoid the cyclical economic crisis brought by the market economy due to the blindness.
In the state-to-state struggle, due to less effective and mandatory laws and some strong power oppress and bully the weak arbitrarily. Comparing their domestic conflicts, this is more prominent problem as how to use the common civilization of mankind, i.e. the moral code in struggle with same kind. To be a patriotic hero, the spirit is commendable, but to be careful with the distinction with Nazi. Hitler and the Nazis showed fanatical patriotism at the beginning, but later showed their fierceness to lunch invasions and massacres. The two World Wars that we experienced were the darkest and most uncivilized period for mankind. In the World War II, the Nazis showed extreme national self-egoism, not only invaded other countries, but even more atrociously exterminating the Jewish race. The prohibition of nuclear proliferation is right, but the problem is that it goes beyond the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and request excessive demands, as matter of facts, it pursues military interests to the maximum extent possible. It is totally wrong, undermining the international non-proliferation treaty reached by the six countries. After being rejected the excessive demands, they lunched extreme pressures, which is in fact to spare no effort to infringe upon the interests of other nations in order to satisfy the so-called security interests of their own nation. To put extreme pressure on other nations is same as to infringe upon the interests of others and is against human civilization. Because the extreme pressures mean to harm not only the military but also the ordinary people. Even the third country saying some fair words also get attacked and punishments. This is a bit like the Mafia, only missed is massacre. The key difference between the patriotic hero and the Nazi is made concern with the interests of the one’s own country. Patriotic hero is formed in the fights when country seriously harmed and this is recognized by the most people. However Nazi was formed in the name of country’s interest, to invade other countries and to kill other nations. And the key difference is whether one infringes the interests of other nation. Launch of war against others due to the excessive demand is nether just nor civilized. It is massacre and same as the Nazi. It would be extremely dark and extremely anti-civilization, worse than that.
We have entered the 21st century, and the dawn of civilization has been shining on all mankind. We must not make any excuse for the interests of our own nation, however follow the Nazi path and infringe upon the interests of other nations. Now is time of the key to civilization. The world should help the weak. And games are not all zero results. The strong power should not bully the weak so that stronger. But countries need co- existence and win-win developments. Modern civilization shows that human society in the world will be one community.
In the history, the minority for quick and better lives, human has taken a curve road in ownership. It started from the primitive public ownership under which men barely survived. After it, societies transited into the private ownership based on the unequal wealth distribution, and then on the basis of great abundant material productions, mankind’s societies inevitably will return to the public ownership. In short, eliminating the gap between the rich and the poor is the center of all human civilizations and target, which fundamentally frees human beings from the way of thinking and acting i.e. the law of the jungle that animals follow to prey. It is the greatest common divisor of eastern and western cultures, and is the inevitable conclusion of all positive propositions and political theories and great target.
The greatest mistake men made in this struggle among themselves is the invention and proliferation of atomic weapons that could destroy mankind. Because atomic weapons could lead to mankind to die out and fundamentally destroy the environment and the earth on which we depend. The countries with atomic weapons should declare publicly and undertake jointly no use atomic weapons at first to anyone, therefore countries without atomic weapons can obey the requirement never trying to seek atomic weapons. Otherwise how can they request others be genuinely convinced not to seek atomic weapons? Keeping the right to first use atomic weapons is equal to keep possibility to destroy mankind! Although undertaking no use atomic weapons first seems unfavorable from the point of views of the fights tactically, however in terms of human destiny, it is an indispensable step toward truly stop the proliferation of atomic weapons.
Before these two mistakes in the two struggles are produced the ultimate and significant harms, human being can correct the mistakes or not, it directly concerns with mankind’s final destiny. About the natural final destiny of mankind, Confucius said more than two thousand years ago, “It does not worry about the scarcity but inequality.” Now, it seems that the “inequality” has not only generated inequality but also the abundancy. However the scarcity also has inspired to produce the abundancy, the final and natural outcome of the abundancy will be the equality inevitably and finally. The abundancy means that owned by workers of various kind, but does not mean that owned by those who do not really work. That is the history.
The competition between China and the United States is by far the largest competition in the history. This competition should conduct in a peaceful environment, forming a healthy one, such as sports games. Under strict and reasonable rules, all athletes’ efforts should focus on the improvement of their own performances. However one should not use any excuse to make trouble to each other because worry about lagging behind.
Private economy makes people see only and take care only of themselves, and don't see and take care of the entire humankind, so its prospects will be certainly limited. The modern world already has enough channels for exchanges and foreign trades to allow for smooth exchanges between economic entities “compete but not close”, It reduces possibility of world wars, because there is no too much motivation to usurp natural resources by force. However, different economic development speeds among countries tend to generate negative moods to make troubles in peaceful competition. It shouldn’t and by no means civilized. Private ownership without the mandatory laws can be of risks that can extremely harm others to benefit one’s own. Although this Chinese newborn baby with many embryo stains, but China, neither aggress nor externally plunder, through its own mixed systems of ownerships, has brought the largest population to the fastest economic development, which reflects their system is more advanced and civilized; its mixed ratio is suitable for its current production conditions. Obstruction and destruction against this system is behaviors uncivilized. And excessive response and opposition can only illustrate the concerns, fears and sufferings in the face of being surpassed, that shouldn’t.
Before China's rise, the United States has taken the lead in the world for about two hundred years. Because of its strong economic development, its ideology, military and finance and so on is leading the world, has obtained the wide recognition of the world. In the history of human development, it has a very positive role, worthy of study and taking reference by other countries. Until now, the way it is doing in domestic still have had positive meanings. However a good domestic system cannot naturally justify its foreign policies. Therefore, from the perspective of civilization, one should make good use of one’s own advantages stronger forces to help the weaker countries, and for no any reason from the point of view of civilization should do the opposite. This is also the civilized performance. It should not consider the assistances as “lose out”. If it is, it can only demonstrate the mind is so low, narrow and uncivilized. This illustrates the civilization or not cannot be defined by civilized products such as country or text, owing to those exclusive of ideology and morality, rather it must be measured by pushing human history advance or not. In fact, the United States has established very strong state apparatuses with its powerful military force, police, intelligence and courts and so on, together with the other three countries with relatively strong country consciousness-- China, Japan and Germany -- when compared with other powers have created double size of GDP at least. It is not by chance.
With unprecedented speed of economic development, China has first time proved the value and strong vitality of public ownership, although the current production conditions do not allow public ownership to exist alone, borrowing partly the power of private ownership in order to develop the economy quickly, due to that private ownership is still positive in the current production conditions. But the problem is that we have to see that China speed is not achieved by pure private and public ownership, but by mixed economy with the new element of public ownership. Public ownership is a brand-new system that has undergone the period of trial and errors in the Soviet Union and China for more than a hundred years. This system does not only prove its vitality, but also can illustrate in theory that only this system can gradually, finally and completely eliminate the gap between the rich and the poor. If pure private, public and mixed ownership all will not work, then can you imagine the fourth kind of ownership? And mixed ownership has been proved effective in China;Only except for the mixed ratios differ from each country according to their own situations. The unprecedented unity shown in the fight against the Coronavirus is shocked. It will undoubtedly be transformed into an unlimited unity for economic development. This is the collective unity, the secret of China's speed.
Although the world's cultures are different, civilization is also subdivided into Chinese civilization, US civilization, Japanese civilization, Indian civilization, Islamic civilization, Western civilization, Orthodox civilization, Latin American civilization, African civilization and so on. But human culture as a whole is positive and beautiful. And the civilization occupies the main part of cultures, otherwise human could not make any progress. The standard of human judgment to good or bad of cultures and the core standard of appreciating the beautiful thought of civilization are basically the same. At same time the pattern manifestation are various. Civilization has its unlimited and beautiful prospect, however also has possibly unfortunate end in the two struggles with nature and human. Which come first, It’s unpredictable. But, the day human beings exist, the day they will strive for a better future, there is no doubt about it. In the two great struggles as said before, regardless of how all economists, politicians, philosophers, architects and artists, etc. interpret and build the world, in the final analysis, the fundamental purpose will be unified as to get rid of human poverty completely, and to strive for the equal wealth distribution for everyone, which is basic, true and complete equality of all other equalities. Naturally it is the basic standard of human civilizations.
China is now striving to develop its economy at full speed so that all Chinese people can finally get rid of absolute poverty, and the United Nations has also set target for global poverty eradication, which shows that these efforts are the world's common goal of mankind. But poverty eradication is not eliminating the general rich, but of course the super-rich should be restrained, but lift the life and income levels of the poor. Civilization belongs to the world and is the common wealth of mankind.





115篇文章 120天前更新

作者在美国获得硕士学位,曾在北京中国银行总行资金部工作15 年。在此期间,参与负责管理中国的全部外汇与黄金储备。之后,1989年加入北京中国农村信托投资公司。1992年,到香港加入美国投资银行所罗门美邦公司(SmithBarney)后,在香港美国花旗银行和英国苏格兰皇家银行顾资银行等家外国银行,负责投资理财工作。
