财新传媒 财新传媒

(English Translation Follows)
世界的人们为什么喜欢足球比赛? 并引来许多国家的总统观看助战。因为足球比赛体现了人类原始,勇猛带点野蛮的一面和单凭体力的竞争。这使人不禁想到古代罗马的竞技场,但足球没有那么血腥,却保留了原始,古朴和勇猛的特点,是集体配合外加个人技术的体力和意志竞争,代表了一国整体而具有远古特征的体育实力。不要说竞赛本身没有任何科技含量,连人类进化最发达的手都不许用。但也因此保留了人类最淳朴的最原始的特性。人们在这发达的科技世界里至今还仍不忘记这种淳朴勇猛的初衷。
足球和中国的股市,是两个靠自由竞争的事情,我们在这两件极其重要的环节上一和真实的世界比起来得到的是不堪忍受的结果。它们都是扶不起来的天子。股市靠自由买卖,足球靠无情的自由竞争,它们暴露出在市场自由经济领域内,我们的管理最薄弱的问题。军之行不行,全靠将帅带。自由竞争的领域,要靠市场的管理方法操作。我们开国的十大元帅和十位大将是怎么产生的? 还不是靠无情的战争,弱者淘汰,强者胜出而产生。战争环境下,几个战斗打不赢,就得换将,保持长胜将军领兵,哪容得下铁饭碗。对有关官员管理能力低下的软弱,就无异于对贪腐的容忍,就是对我们事业的残酷。市场自由经济最客观考验我们的管理能力,得凭市场客观标准而不是自我吹嘘来检验,或不决不允许找借口抹杀客观标准。中国足球队如具有那纯朴勇猛的精神,真的认真踢比赛,怎么也应差不多如日韩水平。从技术讲,中国队守不能全力以赴,固若金汤;防守反击时又不能勇猛快速。守不像守,进攻不像进攻。像冰岛和瑞典那样技术粗糙的队伍,但凭勇猛顽强的搏斗意志打入世界杯外围赛,取得不错的成绩。 克罗地亚队以长传冲掉,撕开对方在球门区前的密集防守,而个人技术再好也难以冲破对方的密集防守。几十次冲掉有一次能成功,就足够了。这不可谓不是成功的战术。
我们为一场比赛而过早地失去许多好的队伍,好的队员而惋惜。应越往高阶段比赛越细致才对,才合理,但现实相反,却是越粗糙。就是说在 1/16,1/8和1/4的决赛时,应抽签再分小组打循环赛才公平。而现在的制度到了这个比赛阶段时,一锤定终身极不合理,带有极大的偶然性。且不论观众少欣赏多少场次精彩的比赛,更重要的是往往优秀队伍或优秀队员是被偶然淘汰的。优秀运动队员没有几个4年,岁数不饶人,他们会很痛苦地等待4年后的下届世界杯比赛。所以应在高阶段比赛时,再分小组打循环赛,给予他们更多的机会展示才华和技术。这些决赛靠一场比赛定胜负,甚为荒谬。更甚者,如平手,靠残酷的点球决胜负,这有极大的偶然性。知道点球残酷,还不避开残酷,实属荒唐。残酷意味着不讲任何道理和意味着折磨。难道我们要不讲任何道理吗?有人说,看就看这残酷。但这愚昧的决胜负的方式,决不应该成为21世纪的管理方法。比赛本身应该保留竞争的原始性,但决不意味着管理方式也原始,不跟上技术进步的步伐。我们足球的世界大战不能靠残酷的偶然性。多几场比赛又有何妨?观众可多欣赏,队员趁年轻可充分展现才华。1/4半决赛分小组打循环赛,也使现在毫无激情的3,4名比赛因要决定决赛名次而富有激情,并可同时分出3,4名,不需要再比赛,但1,2名需要再最后进行决赛。最后决赛机会多一些,我们可知谁更值得冠军。点球这和投币决定胜败没有多大的区别。要尽量避免偶然性,要双方充分展示才华后的必然性一决高低。
另外参考冰球比赛的规则,当足球比赛的球员较严重犯规时 (这在视频裁判的眼里是逃不掉的),应给予红牌警告并罚下场,但仅罚下场10-15分钟。罚完后被罚队员可重新上场比赛。使裁判能有更多的手段,更严格维持比赛的规则。因暂时被罚下场是一个足够严厉的惩罚,但又不会过分伤害受罚球队。
Talking Freely About the World Cup
Why do the world people like football very much? Many presidents have been attracted from different countries to watch and cheer for their team’s matches. Because football matches reflect the primitive, brave with a little bit human’s barbaric nature and exhibit only human’s physical and will competition. These have made people think of the gladiatorial games in ancient Rome. But football is not so bloody, but has kept the primitive, ancient and brave characteristics. It is the physical and will competition of collective cooperation with individual technology, which represents the physical strength of a country as a whole with ancient characteristics. Do not say that the competition itself has no scientific and technological contents at all, even the hands that human most developed in evolution are not allowed to use. Because of it, football have preserved the most rustic and primitive characteristics of human beings. People in this developed technology world still do not forget the original intention of their rustic and brave spirit.
Chinese football rightly lacks the rustic and brave spirit, do not only lacks physical strength and technology. Compared with China, there are many richer or poorer countries which have achieved good results, so there is no certain connection between football level and money. The most coaches of the successful national teams are the coaches of their own countries. We think it is because the only coaches of their own countries are better to know how to motivate players’ courage and wills which are particularly important in football matches. Of course, it does not negate individual skills and the coordination of teamwork. Only the coaches and the players share the same hardships and sweetness, can the players' fighting spirit be inspired. To engage a foreign coach at extremely high cost only has to have a negative effective in the players' minds on the contrary. They just don't want to express that minds. It is very easy to lead to a crooked road if you want to success over urgently.
Football and the Chinese stock market are two most important things that are freely going on. And we can only get unbearable results in the two when competing with the real world. They are all the son of heaven who can't stand up after a lot of help. The stock market depends on free trades, football relies on merciless free competition. They expose our weakest managements in the free competitions. The army that is able to win or not all depends on the general to lead. The field of free competition is managed only by the ways of marketable management. How did the ten marshals and the ten generals for establishment of our government come into being? They were produced possibly only to eliminate the weak and leave only strong ones in the large number of merciless battles. Under the circumstances of wars, if failing to win in several battles, the commanders must be changed so that only strong ones could lead troops for battles. How can unbreakable bowls (jobs) be tolerated? The tolerance of the officers' weak ability to manage works is nothing less than the tolerance of corruption and the cruelty of our cause. Our management ability is the most objectively tested in market free economy by the objective criteria of the market rather than self-boasting to judge, or find excuses to kill objective standards. If the Chinese football team has such a simple and brave spirit and have played seriously, whatever it should play football to the levels like Japan and South Korea. In terms of technology, the Chinese team is not able to go all out in defense like unbreakable stronghold. And in counter attacks, it is not brave and fast enough. Iceland and Sweden teams with such a rough technics, however depended on their brave and stubborn wills, they all entered the matches of world cup and got good results. Croatia used long balls in upfield and tore away the opponent's intensive defense in front of the goal area which it would be difficult to break through despite how good the personal skill is. One success in dozens of times of long balls to try to breaks through would be enough. We have to say this is successful tactics.
We felt very sorry that we rathe lost a lot of good teams and good players as result of only one match. The higher the rounds of competitions are, the more meticulously they should be, but the reality is just opposite, the rules are to be rougher. We mean it is even fair to re-organize all winners of the rounds of 16,8 and 4 to one or two groups to play round match. And now it is extremely unfair for the current rules at this high stage of matches to determine winner or loser by one match only because one match quite often has a big occasionality. Put enjoyment of spectators aside, the more important thing is that good terms and players are often eliminated by chance. How many 4 years do athletes have? Age has no mercy to anyone. Excellent players have to wait miserably for next world cup tournament 4 years later. And therefore, we should give them more opportunities to display their talents and skills while they are young and in matches at each high round. It is also ridicules that the terms’ fates are determined only by one match, and even more absurd if the match is draw, it will determine teams’ fate by cruel penalty which has great occasionality. Having known the penalty kick is cruel but not tried to avoid cruelty. It is absolutely absurd. Cruelty means no any sense of reason to follow or tortures. Are we willing to rule without a sense of reason? Some people may say, what we look at is just this cruelty. But this foolish way should not be a method of fate decision in twenty-first Century. The world cup tournament itself should be kept the competition’s primitiveness, but it does not mean the rule is also primitive, and it should keep up with the pace of technological progress. Our football world competitions cannot rely on cruel occasionality. What harms if there are more matches? This allows the spectators to enjoy more wonderful performances, and the team members can fully display their talents while they are young. If the world cup tournaments at whatever round can all play in groups, they will make the all results more fair and the present unpassionate competitions between 3rd and 4th to be much more passionate because the final lists have to be decided at same time and it automatically decides the 3rd and 4th, but the final match is needed. The more chance, the more we can decide who is really worth title of champion. Penalty kick is not much different from coin toss. We should avoid this occasionality as much as possible and both sides can fully display their talents, which is inevitability we rely.
In addition, referring to the rules for ice hockey match, when the football players in matches violate the rules more seriously (which can't be omitted in the eyes of the VAR), warning of a red card should be given and will be punished for 10-15 minutes off the current match. After 10-15 minutes for the penalty, the player punished is allowed to re-join the current match. So that the referee can have more means and more strictly maintain the rules of the game. Punishment for temporary off-game is a severe enough, but it will not hurt the punished team too much.
When I remember I took part in the middle school team and led our troops teams and the student's teams of the air force school in my young time, though they were amateur, I feel a little proud for the football matches I ever joined personally. These experiences made me to cheer for the world cup and boost the arrival of Chinese football spring more sincerely.





115篇文章 120天前更新

作者在美国获得硕士学位,曾在北京中国银行总行资金部工作15 年。在此期间,参与负责管理中国的全部外汇与黄金储备。之后,1989年加入北京中国农村信托投资公司。1992年,到香港加入美国投资银行所罗门美邦公司(SmithBarney)后,在香港美国花旗银行和英国苏格兰皇家银行顾资银行等家外国银行,负责投资理财工作。
