财新传媒 财新传媒

但国有企业绝不等同计划经济,并与市场经济相对立。两者的概念不能混为一谈。计划经济是讲整个国家按照一个统一的计划发展经济,产品销售上排斥市场自然的供需作用。它决不是指一个企业自己的规划和预算。有些人有意或无意故意将这两个不同的概念混淆,以达特殊目的,需要澄清和信用。 信用是指不管最后的结果对你有利或不利,都要按合同或协议执行,没有选择。不能因自己发展经济落后,觉得如执行协议,对方会占便宜而拒绝执行协议条文。这是你必须无条件履行的义务。如拒绝执行协议,在银行界,就叫信用破产。国际评级机构如真正客观,就应降低有关国家信用等级。
“奉命哲学”,就是不去正确理解中央要搞好市场经济的实质要求,把自己的歪理,不正确的理解强加给中央和上级,推卸责任,心想 “反正我搞错了是执行中央精神”。市场经济如同打仗,更多面对的是无情的经济客观规律,无情的市场,你不尊重它,敬畏它,按照它的规律办事,就要在它面前碰的头破血流,打败仗,被它所消灭。作为第一线指挥员,必须对你直接指挥的战场胜败负责。总司令要求的是打胜战。我们要发扬正气,宣传高大尚,但也要冷静客观的看准人们的平均觉悟,制定改革的举措,必须按照实际平均觉悟,不能按照我们宣传的形象制定具体的改革措施。
作为累进税率标准的中等规模利润要区分得细一些,使那些做假账的公司或做年底的 “展览窗装饰(window dressing)”的 “合法的骗局”即通过虚假交易或转账而做大盈利的公司。你利润做的多就得多交税而受到惩罚,得不到实际的好处。既要顾及社会效益,也要顾及社会公平。盈利低的企业要减税到免税,以进行资金扶持;但企业发展起来后,盈利高后需按较高的税率缴税。因为这时需要解决的问题转化为维持更为重要的社会公平,实现共同富裕。上市公司按分派股息后的利润计算,以便上市公司考虑加大所派股息,以利股市健康发展。这等于国家支持股市发展。要简化税收品种,最后达到单一的税种。收到税款后,税款在税务部门内分账,以达减少税收种类和企业缴税时计算的繁琐,也好管理。
The Key to Improve Management of State-owned and Private Enterprises
We know that China relies on individual and collective strengths, namely state-owned enterprises (SOE) and private enterprises to both develop the economy;the advantage is obvious. This is guarantee for the success. However in general, the efficiency of SOEs is comparably lower but can ensure the smooth and steady operations of the social economy and infrastructure investments; the efficiency of private enterprises is comparably higher, but the conflict of interests and information blockades among private companies in same industry inevitably bring about the blindness for the whole economy, and make the market to bring great damages in order to rebalance the society through the economic crisis as happened from time to time. So the SOEs and private enterprises should be both operated and developed. Do not go to the extreme ends and try to replace the one with the other. It is better to take the advantages to patch the deficiencies from each other. The whole society can therefore maintain a rapider growth for a longer period. Both enterprises commonly depend on the powerful strengths of markets and capitals, therefore, on the economic side, China can accommodate both public ownership and private ownership, accommodate socialism and capitalism in economy. 
But SOEs is absolutely not equal to the planned economy and antagonistic to the market economy. The two cannot be confused in concept. The planned economy is the model that covers the whole country according to a unified plan to develop the economy and the product sales will reject the market's natural functions of supply and demand. It by no means refers to an overall planning and budget for a particular enterprise. Someone intentionally or unintentionally confuses these two concepts for special purpose. It needs clarification and credits concerned. Credit means whatever the final results are in your favor or against you, you have to execute as that to be stipulated according to the contracts or the agreements between the two countries. There is no choice. You cannot refuse to enforce the Agreement. It is your obligations without any more conditions as stipulated in the Agreement. It is total failure in credit if you don't enforce the Agreement only because you are leg behind in economic development and feel the counterparty will take advantage if you execute the agreement. In banking field, it's called your credit are bankrupt. If international rating organizations are objective in real sense, they should lower the ratings for the countries concerned. 
Comparing with private enterprises, the only difference that SOEs have is owners of enterprises. The owners of SOEs are the collectives or the government. And it is completely different from that how to sell their products in the market. In normal situation, SOEs cannot help to see and have to rely on the advantages of markets. It is just like if people do not believe in the irresistible advantages and attractive forces of the markets, how can they vigorously promote the market economy? The circumstance is same everywhere among countries. Therefore, the free markets that private ownership must rely on once have been established will be fully developed and cover the whole country and will play the role of decisive functions regarding the allocation of resources and the natural balance between the supply and demand. The plans to govern SOEs must also be a plan based on a market economy, like the overall planning and budgeting of large companies and banks that comprise the Western world, rather than imperative plans for governing the entire national economy as before the reforms. Because private ownerships exist, it is impossible for the plans to govern the whole country, let alone to say when people realize the advantages of market economy, they much more need to put all planning on the foundation of market economy. Only when there is serious problem in the entire economy, will SOEs play a leading role, because at that time the government has to save the whole society, such as President Roosevelt took rescue measures in the great depression in 1930s. The SOEs are owned by the government, it has no immoral problems but the problem how to develop economy by all efforts. Immoral problem is the extremer polarization of rich and poor, harming others to benefit ones’ own and plundering others. As far as efficiency is concerned, there are different types that are momentary efficiency and the average one for a period of years and the final successes are decisive. But success is success, and the main deficiencies regarding the management of SOEs and private enterprises must not be neglected and must be improved.
The main problem of state-owned enterprises is less efficient than private enterprises in general. Therefore, the key to reform of SOEs is not how to hold the enterprises by the government, not holding them in the shareholding system or other ways, whatever the reform measures are taken, you cannot change the basic fact that the government is main holders of the enterprises in general. The main problem to reform is to establish the attitude as masters for the senior executive officials of SOEs, so to make these executives to manage SOEs like the management of their own enterprises. “After the correct route is determined, the officials are the deciding factor.”(Mao Zedong) Speaking the reality, executives of SOEs are same intellectual as owners of private enterprises, but why are SOEs not as efficient as private companies? The main problem is that the senior executives actually regard the personal promotion as the highest pursuit, regard the leading positions only as temporary springboard for promotions. They only passively implement the orders of their superior, no matter SOE’s or the areas managed are good or bad. They do not exert the full efforts to try to keep the best possible for the SOEs or the areas managed while execution of the superior’s orders, let alone to say their behaviors without their whole hearts when the superiors have no specific orders or plans, at least they are not like the owner of the private enterprise as dedicated. This is absolutely not viewing the consciousness of these executives as low as that; you show your good achievements to prove your noble consciousness. In general, how can you prove your noble consciousness only with the poor performances? This is reality, a self-evident question. Wanted to be promoted is not completely dark mental states, after all, “man always tends to higher; while water always tends to flow downhill”. But you have to show your good performance. So the reform measures must address to the central and actual problems. The reform measures for the problem are not really complex, but have to be resolutely executed. That is to link efficiency with the promotion for executives. The efficiency of enterprise is not bit higher than the average level of the same industry; executives are generally not promoted, except for special provisions of the State for a few of particular SOEs. The improvement of efficiency should be considered as the sole goal of the enterprise except for the execution of orders and plans of the superiors who have to solve the problems related with overall situations. 
“Ordered philosophy” is incorrectly understanding the Central Party’s  real requests to “do a good job in the market economy”. They impose their own fallacies and incorrect understanding on the Central Party and their superiors, shirk responsibility, self-think “anyway, if I messed up, this only implement orders in according with the spirit of Central Party”. Engaged in a market economy is like  warfares. You face the ruthless economic objective law, ruthless market, if you do not respect it, do not awe of it, do not do things according to its laws, in front of it; you will equally crash your head against wall with bleeding, will be defeated and destroyed. As for the commander in the first battle line, you must take responsibilies for the wins or fails in the battlefields that you are commanding. Commanders in chief request to win battles. We should encourage the positive and virtue things, but we have also calmly and objectively look at the average consciousness of people, the reform measures should be addressed in accordance with real average consciousness of people, should not be made in accordance with the image of our propaganda.
It is necessary to remove those executives of enterprises that own debts in net for a longer term and are unable to achieve average efficiency of same industry. And these enterprises should face same problems of bankruptcy. Those executives should not be used at the same levels or other persons with higher skills possible need to be invited and appointed to the positions. Those executives like ordinary workers of those enterprises are rearranged for works; absolutely those executives cannot be treated any specially. Anyways one can go higher and lower naturally, let alone the bad management of the enterprise, which ask for these treatments even more. By doing so, we can overcome the problems of lack of effective management and lack of effective planning of a long-term at the executive levels. Anyone who wants promotion has the only way to go that is to do good jobs for their enterprises. Except for the matters related to the overall situation, in general the state should minimize as possible the rigid orders and stiff plans for enterprises. A superior shall be held responsibilities for the wrong order or plan.
Economic development is also like warfare. In order to win, good commanders must be selected among the commanders who can often win, among persons who can achieve good efficiencies for the enterprises and the government departments, that the heroes can come out one after another, ten generalissimos and the ten senior generals of the founding new China could come out. Because only speaking a good words cannot construct any building, oppressions of the people is completely different from the thought of “people are the center”. These things can only destroy the Party and the country and miss the important events. We have a market economy and private enterprises in the most industries. It is easy to find the average efficiency for the most industries; the state can set the standard of the average efficiency for the state monopoly industry.
As for private enterprises, the primary problems are blindness and social injustice and unfairness. To solve blindness requires the government to fully collect the overall information about productions, supplies, sales and receipts and payments of every enterprises and the all market relative information, all is sweepingly needed. After collections of all information, appropriate and friendly guidance should be given to private enterprises to help to solve the blindness problems. Government should supply good services in this regard, but it is guidance only not the orders. As long as the government information is true, accurate and overall, it is help productions of private enterprises a lot, and if they will not listen to the guidance, they will be punished in the reality.
Employee’s incomes and corporate profits are the main key links to maintain social equality. This problem can be basically solved by setting different corporate tax rates according to the profits that each different enterprise has made. “Less profit, low tax rate; large profit, high tax rate” and human intervention is avoided. This is the progressive tax rate, which means based on the different profits or incomes, different tax rates are applied. This system should be used not only for personal incomes, but also for all kind of corporations and businesses, both for private and state-owned enterprises.
The corporate progressive tax rate and profits as tax base should be appropriately set, neither too high nor too low. For the example, the total tax rate can be set from tax-free to higher tax rates. This is more scientific and reasonable than simple tax cut in the same extent that President Trump made. The American Democrats' opposition to the tax cuts is  reasonable, but they could not put forward the effective patching suggestions and are simply opposed to all. A one-size-fits-all package of tax cuts indeed has bigger benefits to a rich business, a large profitable enterprises, causes a more inequality to the society. Instead, if the tax for corporations with high profits increases appropriately, and corporations with low profits enjoy tax cuts, “cut peak and fill valley”, that is to use a corporate progressive tax rate, which can support small and medium-sized corporations, while keeping equality for the society and is good for free competitions and social justice, and will not cause greater government deficits. But that is not the case of the American’s tax cut, it could lead to greater social inequality that could lead to greater instability in American society. The cut gains in the economy but loses in the politics.
As the standard for progressive tax rate, the middle range of profits need to be distinguished finely, so that let those companies that make fraud accounting or some “window dressing”, “the legal fraud schemes” at year ends i.e. through fictitious trades or accounting entries to only show bigger profits in companies accounts will have to pay higher taxes and be punished, cannot get real benefits out of the frauds. We should both look after social efficiency as well as social equality. Low-earning companies need taxes cut and tax exemptions to get supports by funds. However after the enterprises have grown up and achieved the certain high profits, they have to pay taxes according to higher tax rates. Because at the moment, the problems needed to be solved are translated into the maintenance of the more important equality of society, and the realization of common prosperity. The tax should be calculated according to the profits after dividend payments of the listed companies, so that they can consider to paying more dividends to benefit the healthy stock market. This is equal to the support of stock market by the State. We should simplify the variety of taxes, to an overall and single tax rate at the end. After the collections of tax payments, taxes are divided to the each sector within the tax departments in order to reduce the variety of tax rate and the companies’ troubles to calculate taxes and for easy management as well.
With the help of the great powers of computers, these complicated works can be done smoothly. The traditional uniform, one-size-fits-all corporate tax rate can be changed. Tax is the lever for the economic adjustment. But the development of the enterprises is imbalanced; the unified tax rate does the work more simply like machine. One-size-fits-all tax rate cut seems to be fair, but unified tax rate is not set according to the profits of corporations. This simple rate system can cause difficulties to corporations with the lower profits to develop, and cause income injustice for the society from corporations with high profits. Therefore, in order to inject vitality into the economy, to overcome unfairness, we need to adopt the policy of “different profits, different tax rates”. Corporations with low profits will get the greatest degree of liberation, with this kind of tax rates, the all corporations can grow up at faster speed, while significantly reducing the unreasonable and unequal social distributions.





115篇文章 120天前更新

作者在美国获得硕士学位,曾在北京中国银行总行资金部工作15 年。在此期间,参与负责管理中国的全部外汇与黄金储备。之后,1989年加入北京中国农村信托投资公司。1992年,到香港加入美国投资银行所罗门美邦公司(SmithBarney)后,在香港美国花旗银行和英国苏格兰皇家银行顾资银行等家外国银行,负责投资理财工作。
