财新传媒 财新传媒

美国大佬们,精英们和美国主流媒体赞美和支持希拉里竞选美国总统,华尔街一片鼓燥 ,富豪们纷纷慷慨解囊,但仍不能避免希拉里当总统的企图失败,其黄粱美梦再次灰飞烟灭。尽管希拉里有许多不诚实的操作,但作为个人,我们不能不为此叹息,“辱宠万悲忻,雅意竟谁了,含恨入荒草”。希拉里没有查觉美国暗中涌动自救的心态,没有看出美国人心态逐渐的但决定性的转变,不满意在世界范围内美国处处指手划脚,处处争强斗狠,却使国内经济不振。正如一位重要的美国民主党员所说:“今天的希拉里的民主党已经成为一个战争党,一个由军火商,雇佣兵,学术战争策划者,干预外国的游说家们,失败的将军们,腐败的政府官员及其自然资源的掠夺者所构成的群体”。自由民主人权那些亮丽的字眼掩盖不住冷酷的血写的事实。华尔街在特朗普有可能当选时暴跌撒泼,以表达不滿。当然取巧于利用机会,造势形成市场变化,不管是升是降,都是难得的金融商机,是发财的机会。
美国把大量的精力用在军事上,而这军事的优势仅仅作用于小型国家,对象中俄等大型国家仅仅是吓唬,是姿态而已,那就说美国把大量的精力主要用在空虚的威胁 上,打又不能打,像耍猴一样在中俄周边进行军演,自唱自娱,但国内各种问题一大堆,没有力量搞国内建设,债台高筑,贫富分化加剧,民用设施陈旧,枪击案频发,黑人对警察执法日益不满。特郎普已看到这些问题,所以按捺不住要竞选总统以改变这一切。如一位重要的美国民主党员所说:“特朗普愿意抵抗歇斯底里的华盛顿战争鹰派,建制派和主流媒体,敢于说出他不同于民主党狂热的战争倾向的观点和意见”。我们说美国的安全决不是来自不断相互升级的军事竞赛,而只能来自维持世界和平的努力。美国上层社会觉得没有人能与之国力匹敌,没有人能与之比较,梦想当说一不二的世界霸主。奥巴马及美国上层社会不愿放弃并倾全力维持这美梦。希拉里看来会依然持续这没人能超过美国的美梦,这就是美国现在的梦。不知中国在工农业已悄然超越美国,只是金融服务业还差一点,但这已不影响各种建设。
Cooperation is Necessary and Best Conditions for Securities and Economic Developments of Every Countries
——On American Election 
The American upper society went all out in full strength to support Hillary Clinton to run for American President. Hillary also used all spells a politician has, but it was still helpless, being a step away from the heaven. She was defeated and sank like a stone. Trump reached the top successfully, and wanted to exert all businessman skills he has, and let the American big ship not keep sinking. But to realize this, the international cooperation is must, and can get a win-win result. It should not use an excuse of the so-called “manipulation of Renminbi” and caused a fierce battle, because this one is nothing but only an excuse of the former American’s global strategy to fight. The only result would hurt the both sides and not solve the problem, because the trade deficit with China is not simply caused by the currency's appreciation or devaluation. 
The American big bosses and the elites, the American media praised and supported Hillary Clinton to run for President of the United States, the Wall Street made noises of their battle drums, the rich took their pockets generously. But these could still not avoid the failure of Hillary. Her sweat dream broke once more like the smoke in the air. Despite many dishonest actions Hillary made in her campaign, but as individuals, we can't help but sigh for it. "Suffered with many shames and humiliations, who care who got the success. With the deep regret, she looks like to get into the grave in weeds at last. Hillary did not realize the American invisible main thinking has turned to self-save, did not see the gradual but decisive shift of mind, dissatisfaction that the American tell others what to do worldwide and fights with anyone everywhere, but being unable to recover the domestic economy with the strength. As an important American Democrats said: "today's Hillary's Democratic Party has become a party of war and a group composed with arms dealers, mercenaries, academic war planners, the lobbying experts for foreign interventions, the losing generals, corrupt government officials and the predators for natural resources ". Those beautiful words such as liberty, democracy and human rights cannot cover up the facts written in cold blood. Wall Street tumbled like mad women when Trump may be elected expressing the dissatisfaction. Taking shortcuts, of course, for the clever use of the opportunity, it promoted the changes in the market, whether it is up or down trend, this change was a rare financial business opportunity, was an opportunity to get rich. 
For the sake of avoidance of the money intervention of the presidential election, for the sake of equality, the government should be only one who is allowed to pay all candidate expenses for the campaign and the payment should be same. But, the United States allow so-called "donation" by individuals who are mainly wealth people. Money is as pioneers, and the powerful bosses decide who is the candidate, it demonstrates the democracy in the election is false and the nature of maintenance of the private ownership. If even the private donation in the political election is acceptable as "freedom of expression", it is good to be free anyway, then commercial briberies are freedom of expression, therefore there are no any dirty things that can't be done. 
The United States has spent a lot of money to use for the military, and the advantage of the military force can only apply to small countries, for large countries like China and Russia, the only thing that can be done is to threat and to show off. That means the United States has spent a lot of money mainly for the empty threat, and can't really fight. The military exercises surrounding the China and Russia like to play monkey in the street, to sing to entertain one himself, but a lot of domestic problems are unsolved, no strength improves many domestic constructions, and debts are huge, the gap between rich and poor are intensified, the civilian infrastructures are old, frequent gun shootings happened, the discontent in the police enforcement by black people are growing. Trump has seen these problems, so he could not resist running for President to change all of these problems. As the important American democrat said: "Trump are willing to resist hysterical war hawks in Washington, the parties of the organizational system and the mainstream media, dares to say his different views and opinions from enthusiastic tendency of the Democrats towards war ". We say that America's security will by no means come from the escalating military competition of each others, and can only come from the efforts to maintain the world peace. American upper classes feel that no one in the world can rival their powers, no one can compare with them. And they have dreams to become overlord of the world. Obama and American upper class are reluctant to give up and to maintain this dream with all their abilities. Hillary would look like to continue her sweat dream that nobody is able to overtake the USA. It is the American dream nowadays. It has unrealized China has overtaken USA in the industry and agriculture with only the sectors of the finance and services lagged behind, but this does not affect the constructions of all kinds. 
Trump wanted to change all of these, concentrate all of American powers, to improve the everything at home. But it will need to abandon the hegemony mind and cooperate with other countries, and should not make international fights groundlessly. The problem of Renminbi is that Trump could think as an execute of fight. 
Trump wants to raise the banner of the anti-manipulation of Renminbi, it must be counterattacked by China. The result must be a fierce fight. We don't know who will lose. It looks like to be lose-lose for both sides. Finally the problem still cannot be solved, because US trade deficit with China is not the surface reason that Trump will think and “manipulating Renminbi" that he blamed for. US trade deficit with China is by no means caused by currency appreciation or devaluation, also the American exports to China cannot be boosted purely by currency adjustment. Only international co-operations will result in a win-win situation. The US Government need release the restrictions on the exports of the high-tech products to China, because to continue to blockade these products has a small significance. If the United States only buy things from China and does not sell things to China, how can it not result in trade deficit? Trades between the two big powers never like trades with small countries, i.e. it is impossible to be able to change the terms of trade, to boost its export, to eliminate the trade deficit only by adjusting the exchange rate to take some small advantage from a big country. The big powers need hard works and big changes in the economic structure. If the American release the blockade on exports of high-tech products, it will possibly eliminate the main part of their trade deficit with China for not too long, may be for one or two years. The United States economy will also strongly recover due to the big needs, and the most important thing is that both sides keep cooperation relationship. We cannot say this is the last chance for America, but the chance is quite limited. China rapidly develop on its own, gradually it no longer needs the high-tech products of the United States. The United States will lose the China’s market, for the most important, it will lose a rare opportunity to make its rapid economic recovery. 





115篇文章 120天前更新

作者在美国获得硕士学位,曾在北京中国银行总行资金部工作15 年。在此期间,参与负责管理中国的全部外汇与黄金储备。之后,1989年加入北京中国农村信托投资公司。1992年,到香港加入美国投资银行所罗门美邦公司(SmithBarney)后,在香港美国花旗银行和英国苏格兰皇家银行顾资银行等家外国银行,负责投资理财工作。
